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GREENMOBILITY: 3rd TPM meeting in Cyprus and training workshops in the partner countries

Community | 2024-10-14

The GREENMOBILITY project is a significant undertaking in light of the escalating environmental challenges and the urgent requirement to reduce CO2 emissions. In keeping with the goals of the European Green Deal, this project, which addresses the significant impact that transportation has on urban ecosystems, is a driving force behind the transition to sustainable urban mobility.

A milestone in the project, the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM), was held in Nicosia, Cyprus, between 14-16 of May, 2024. SYNTHESIS, hosted the partners at their headquarters HUB NICOSIA, a coworking space. The meeting was held in a hybrid way for partners who were unable to join physically, via Zoom. The agenda of the TPM was full, starting on the first day with an overview of the Work Packages, their progress, tasks and deadlines, as well as quality evaluation. The day ended with a social dinner for the partners at a Greek Restaurant.

On the second day of the meeting, the agenda items covered project management and implementation issues, as well as financial aspects and next deadlines. In addition, partners discussed quality and impact evaluation findings from surveys conducted, and strategies towards sustainability of the project beyond its lifecycle. The afternoon session included a presentation on “Sustainable Mobility in Cyprus: Enhancing Transportation for a Greener Future”, by a representative of the Ministry of Environment. The third day was free for partners to explore the old town of Nicosia.

Within the scope of the project Greenmobility, a set of training sessions were conducted in the 5 partner countries (Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania, and Sweden) in the month of May. These training opportunities were targeted especially at: Higher Education faculty, staff and students and the focus was on training for the Self-Assessment tool developed and published in the Greenmobility collaborative platform.

After the training workshops are completed, the project partners should draft national reports and TISC as the leading partner of the activity, will combine all findings in a cross-country report of all training sessions for the Greenmobility Self-Assessment Tool. This report will be published on the project website.

Do you want to know more about the project?

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Let’s keep moving sustainably and making our cities greener, one step at a time!


  • Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) (Lithuania),  leading Lithuanian university providing a wide range of studies and research and closely cooperating with business.
  • LAND Impresa sociale s.r.l. (LAND) (Italy), a social enterprise aimed at developing innovative green practices, sustainable agriculture and at implementing national and international projects focused on environmental protection and ecological transition.
  • SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION LIMITED (SYNTHESIS) (Cyprus), leading organization in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation.
  • The International Sustainability Collaborative Ek. För (TISC) (Sweden), leading partner in designing on-line learning environments as well as participatory and hands-on training and workshops on the topic of behavioral change and sustainable development.
  • University of Thessaly (UTH) (Greece), known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards.


Project: Lifelong Learning on sustainable urban mobility (GREENMOBILITY)

Project number: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000085575