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14th of March, 2017 08:30
room 333, Gedimino g. 50 / K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas
1st of December, 2016 15:30
KTU Matematikos ir gamtos mokslų fakultetas
7th of December, 2015 13:00
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 131 a.)'
19th of November, 2015 15:30
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 333 a.)'
19th of November, 2015 10:00
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 333 a.)'
17th of November, 2015 15:30
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 103 a.)'
23rd of October, 2015 05:30
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 223 a.)'
22nd of October, 2015 07:30
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 128 a.)'
20th of October, 2015 05:30 - 29th of October, 2015 12:00
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50)
15th of October, 2015 08:15
KTU Santaka Valley (K. Baršausko g. 59)
14th of October, 2015 10:00
Gedimino g. 50 / K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas
16th of September, 2015 10:00 - 14:00
Conference hall (Gedimino g. 50)
25th of May, 2015 10:00 - 11:30
KTU Mechanikos inžinerijos ir dizaino fakultetas (Studentų g. 56) 150 auditorija
5th of May, 2015 05:30 - 7th of May, 2015 16:00
'KTU School of Economics and Business (K. Donelaičio St 20)'
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