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Research of the system of values and pull factors of the Lithuanian emigrants in host countries


Project no.: S-MIP-23-115

Project description:

Migration has been labeled one of the “grand challenges” facing societies. It is noticeable that migration processes change human values. However, there is a lack of scientific knowledge about the extent to which the values of emigrants differ from the country towhich they are migrating, how the values of individuals planning to migrate depend on the country they choose and the influence of pull factors. Less is known about how individual values change after arrival to a host country and how long this process takes. This project focuses on the system of values of Lithuanian emigrants and the pull factors of 5 of the main destination countries of Lithuanian migrants since the restoration of independence in 1990: the UK, Ireland, the USA, Germany and Norway. The study compares the values of Lithuanian emigrants and the influence of pull factors in these host countries. Data will also be collected from none migrant Lithuanians to allow for values comparisons of emigrants and nonemigrants. The aim of the project is to measure and compare the values of migrants and examine the factors that stimulate emigration to the main host countries.

Project funding:

Research Council of Lithuania, Projects carried out by researchers’ teams

Project results:

The differences between the values of Lithuanians who left Lithuania after 1990 and live in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Norway, and the USA will be revealed and compared with values of Lithuanians who have not emigrated. The study will contribute to knowledge about individual-level values in the field of migration and cross-cultural studies. Policy recommendations for reducing emigration and promoting the repatriation of emigrants will be presented.

Period of project implementation: 2023-04-05 - 2025-12-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Audra Irene Mockaitis

2023 - 2025

Centre of Excellence for Business Digital Transformation, School of Economics and Business