Global consumption tendencies reveal constantly growing awareness of benefits, that healthy lifestyle offers. It is reflected on consumers’ willingness to devote more time and money to pursue healthier consumption practices. In response to the spread of healthy lifestyle, food buying and consumption habits also change. The context of healthy ageing and the priorities in conscious food consumption determine inclusion of various age group consumers, both younger and elder ones, into the project where healthy lifestyle and sustainable food consumption relations are identified. The results of such research will undoubtedly contribute to creation and implementation of targeted and long-term policy of healthy pattern of life and sustainable food consumption in Lithuania.
The aim of the project is to reason relations between healthy lifestyle and sustainable food consumption, enabling the development of sustainable food consumption promotion policies, relevant for ageing society.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, Projects carried out by researchers’ teams
Project results:
The original scientific results that are planned to be reached by the project researchers’ group – constructed and empirically tested conceptual framework and developed mixed method research methodology. They will serve as an impetus towards scientific research into consumer behavior and sustainable marketing. Major originality features of objectives pursued in the project are as follows:
– Holistic approach to healthy lifestyle with focus on both physical and mental dimensions of healthy pattern of life.
– Reasoning of the relations between healthy lifestyle and sustainable food consumption, which is not limited by the apriori notion that healthy lifestyle is a determinant of consumption behaviour and an assumption is taken into account that opposite relations between variables can also exist.
– Definition of age as a factor moderating the studied relations rather than being an antecedent of healthy lifestyle.
– The methodological novelty of planned studies is related to the combination of conventional and neuromarketing research results while seeking to explain sustainable food consumption and its relations to healthy lifestyle in different age groups of consumers. Such decision presupposes a significant contribution to the development of consumer behavior research.
Period of project implementation: 2020-05-01 - 2022-11-30
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology