This project aims to contribute to research on organic food consumpti on behavior and to provide practi cal implicati ons and guidelines for Lithuanian companiesand non-profi t organizati ons involved in sustainability. The planned acti viti es are related to theoreti cal soluti ons that would reveal the links betweenconsumpti on-related values, consumer identi ty and intenti ons of organic food consumpti on behavior, to off er theoreti cal and conceptual soluti ons, thuscontributi ng to the science of sustainable consumpti on behavior; development of an original research methodology appropriate to the context; conducti ng arandom and representati ve survey in Lithuania; preparati on of an interim report; analysis of good practi ces of organic food consumer behavior andmethodological approaches in a foreign higher educati on insti tuti on; analysis and disseminati on of research results in high-level journals with IF; preparati on anddisseminati on of reports to business and the public; preparati on of the fi nal report.
The results of the research project will be useful in shaping proposals for the Lithuanian market in the context of organic food consumpti on behavior. The goodpracti ces obtained at the foreign research insti tuti on during the internship will allow the applicati on of certain soluti ons in the report to business and society.The implementati on of practi cal guidelines based on research conducted by the author of the project will provide signifi cant benefi ts for increasing sustainableconsumpti on behavior and miti gati ng climate change.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, Projects of Postdoctoral fellowships funded by the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania
Project results:
2 scientific publications
Report to business and the public on organic food consumer behaviour.
1 month traineeship in a foreign research institution.
Publicity at scientific conferences.
Period of project implementation: 2022-11-03 - 2024-11-02
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology