In volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) context, organizational survival and effectiveness depend on the ability of organizations and employees to withstand and adapt to significant challenges, that is, on their resilience. Generally, employee resilience refers to the capacity of employees to utilize resources to continually adapt and flourish at work or as a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the contect of sigificant adversity. The previuos research has revealed that resilience not only positively influences the attitudes and behavior of employees, but also increases the flexibility of organizations. This implies the need to examine how resilience can be strengthened.
The aim of the project is to reveal the sustainable human resource management practices for building employee resilience for the transformation of organisations towards sustainability in the context of environmental disruptions. The project aims to examine employee resilience and its development under particularly uncertain and dynamic conditions such as post-pandemic situation, predicted economic recession due to the war in Ukraine and increased prices of energy resources or due to increased job insecurity.
Project funding:
Research Council of Lithuania, Projects carried out by researchers’ teams
Project results:
The results of the project will reveal the nature of adversities experienced by employees, manifestations of resilience, resilience mechanisms, and examples of resilience demonstration. Sustainable HRM practices applied by organisations and their possible impact on employee resilience capacity and resilience process will also be identified. Furthermore, the project results will provide conclusions as to whether and how employee resilience depends on the sector of activity and the nature of adversities faced by the employees. The project contributes not only to the scientific literature, but also has practical implications, as it will provide insights into the strengthening of employee wellbeing and organisational transformation towards sustainability.
Period of project implementation: 2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology