Why simple ideas are often the hardest and the best


One of the most famous Irish drink makers marketing professional DAVID GLUCKMAN arrives to KTU. Author of the book “That S * It Will Never Sell!: The real story behind Baileys Irish Cream and other great drinks brands”, who recently discovered his Lithuanian roots, spent 40 years working in drinks industry creating such brands as Baileys Irish Cream, Aqua Libra, Singleton, Guinness Light, and many more.

Since 1969 David Gluckman has been travelling the world creating drinks and ventured as far afield as India, Kenya, Japan, Australia, Russia, Georgia, Brazil. Now David travels to various universities around the world and talks about his (non) success stories.

His book “That S*It Will Never Sell! The real story behind Baileys Irish Cream and other great drinks brands”(http://www.thatshitwillneversell.com/) has received a lot of attention. It tells stories behind the drinks he invented or worked on, his successes and failures, marketing theories that work in practice or not.

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November 16 d.

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