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OPEN LECTURE. The Role of Organizational Structure for Success


KTU kindly invites colleagues from partner universities worldwide to its “Virtual Global Faculty Week 2021” to be held on 22-26 March 2021.

Time: March 25th, 14:15 pm, March 26th 9 am.

Event link: 

March 25th, 14:15 pm.:

March 26th 9 am.:

Lecturer: Nino Mikava (Business and Technology University (BTU), Georgia) is a healthcare and management specialist, with 17 years’ experience in management, in insurance and healthcare sectors. Throughout her career, Nino occupied senior level positions in Georgia’s biggest insurance companies and chains of clinics. She is an Assistant-Professor, affiliated in Business and Technology University (BTU), she is an invited lecturer, expert and thesis supervisor in several universities in Georgia. Nino teaches bachelor and master program students, Organizational Behavior, Essentials of Management and Insurance and Risk Management. Nino is a medical doctor. She holds Master’s degree in business administration and PhD in Public health. Her research fields are- E-health, digital technologies in healthcare; medical tourism.

The event is open for academic staff willing to give lectures online, share experiences with our professors, find areas of cooperation. We believe that it is a mutual interest and virtual lectures will become another form of cooperation and exchange of expertise.

Language of the event and lectures is English.

March 25 d., 2021 14:15 - March 26 d., 2021


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