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OPEN LECTURE. If Covid-19 influences our progress towards a Green Deal and a Circular Economy


KTU kindly invites colleagues from partner universities worldwide to its “Virtual Global Faculty Week 2021” to be held on 22-26 March 2021.

Time: March 24th  11:00-12:30

Event link:

Lecturer: Dzintra Atstaja holds PhD in Economics. She is Professor and the head of Research Laboratory of Sustainability, Efficiency and Effectiveness of BA School of Business and Finance (Latvia). She has extensive experience in projects regarding sustainable development, green and circular economy, she is an author of almost 200 publications and has participated in numerous scientific conferences and projects. She has academic and professional expertise in areas of circular and green economy and environmentally responsible manufacturing.

The event is open for academic staff willing to give lectures online, share experiences with our professors, find areas of cooperation. We believe that it is a mutual interest and virtual lectures will become another form of cooperation and exchange of expertise.

Language of the event and lectures is English.

March 24 d., 2021 11:00


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