KTU School of Economics and Business has 150 Erasmus+ agreements in 25 European countries!
Come, hear and share good experiences together with returning Lithuanian Erasmus+ students, as well as with newly arrived Erasmus+ students from abroad, and dispel the main Erasmus+ „myths“:
1. What will happen to my grades and Grade Point Average?
2. Will I still receive a scholarship after Erasmus+?
3. Are there any cultural and linguistic barriers?
4. Is Erasmus+ grant sufficient for living in the selected country?
…and many others!
Take this lifetime experience!
For more information here (in Lithuanian), or here (in English).
Your Erasmus+ coordinator at KTU School of Economics and Business – Rasa Rauktiene (rasa.rauktiene@ktu.lt), room 325.
February 10 d., 2016 10:00 - 11:00
'KTU School of Economics and Business (Gedinimo St. 50 - 315 a.)'
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