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Research seminar

We invite you to take part in the open seminar “Practices and challenges of retailers’ sustainability management and reporting” . Open seminar is organized as an activity of the project “Drivers of sustainability management and reporting in retailing”. Initial findings of the case studies on sustainability management and reporting in retailing conducted in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Germany will be shared and discussed by scholars and practitioners. Detailed programme of the open seminar is attached.


October 1st
Start End Activity Place
13:30 13:50 Opening (Lina Dagilienė) Conference Centre, School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology (Gedimino st. 50, Kaunas)
13:50 14:10 Results presentation of Estonia (Toomas Haldma; Katrin Lemsalu; Kertu Lääts)
14:10 14:30 Results presentation of Latvia (Ivita Faitusa)
14:30 14:50 Results presentation of Germany (Judith M.Pütter)
14:50 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 15:50 Results presentation of Lithuania (Lina Dagilienė; Viktorija Varaniūtė; Sima Jasevičienė)
15:50 16:10 Sustainable business in Lithuania (Audronė Alijošiūtė-Paulauskienė; Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania)
16:10 16:30 Discussion
16:30 17:00 Coffee break

The project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.

October 1 d., 2019 13:30 - 17:00

KTU Ekonomikos ir verslo fakulteto konferencijų salė

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