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2-days seminar on introduction to R (statistics)


The seminar is designed for master and doctoral students as well as other researchers who would like to start use R in their data analysis. During (after) the seminars, Professor will be also available for consultancy in case of specific needs/requests.

Places are limited, so register now: (open until the 24th of February, 2020, 10 am). For your convenience, please bring your own computer.

▪ February 24th: “Basic notions of the software R”
(How to install the software, logic and basic syntax of the environment, how to install packages, main structures, and objects’ types, how to create and to import a dataset, etc.)

▪ February 26th: “R for statistical analysis”
(Descriptive statistics, main graphs, one- and two-sample t-test, classic regression analysis, etc.)

February 24 d., 2020 17:30 - February 26 d., 2020 20:30

KTU School of Economics and Business, 333 room.

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